get a divorce

美 [ɡet ə dɪˈvɔːrs]英 [ɡet ə dɪˈvɔːs]
  • 获准离婚
get a divorceget a divorce
  1. She could get a divorce on the grounds of desertion .


  2. They have agreed to get a divorce .


  3. Women who want children much more than their partners are also more likely to get a divorce .


  4. John had waited for months to get a divorce and now he was free from his domineering wife .


  5. The new law made it easier to get a divorce .


  6. Did you ever pressure mark to get a divorce ?


  7. France is moving to make it easier to get a divorce .


  8. Most Americans lose sleep over money and even get a divorce .


  9. Are my parents going to get a divorce ?


  10. Promise me if you ev want to get a divorce .


  11. that is about to get a divorce for a simple misunderstanding .


  12. And now I have to get a divorce from my French husband .


  13. They 're married in real life , but they 're going to get a divorce soon .


  14. If you 're so unhappy , why not get a divorce ?


  15. We need to stop dancing around the issues . I think we should get a divorce .


  16. Since the couple could not reconcile their differences , they decided to get a divorce .


  17. They 're not going to get a divorce yet , but they 're having a trial separation .


  18. " I hear she means to get a divorce ," said Janey boldly .


  19. During a trying period years ago , I found myself calmly saying ," Maybe we should get a divorce . "


  20. But the moment you decide to get a divorce you 've got to cough up the original amount , plus interest .


  21. According to government statistics , the older one is when he gets married , the less likely it is that he 'll get a divorce .


  22. Obviously we 're gonna have to get a divorce before I can actually marry her . But , uh , what ?


  23. Dear John , I have found someone else whom I think the world of . I think the only way out is for us to get a divorce .


  24. A couple with two homes , hoping to sell one , could get a divorce so that each apartment belongs to an individual , treating both as first homes .


  25. ( Here , I pause to offer a prayer for my gentle reader : May you never , ever , have to get a divorce in New York . )


  26. This married man ...... fell madly in love with my friend , Amanda 's friend , Ashley ...... and he said he would get a divorce and he did .


  27. For example last night , I had dinner with a friend who is now in his60 's , was asked by his wife of22 years to get a divorce .


  28. After which incident their firstborn child , a bright little girl with the nickname of Tutti , said , I think you should get a divorce , Mommy .


  29. And I 'd said that I would have to get a divorce , my mother put down her knitting , and she got up , and she went over to the furnace , and she opened the door , and she got in .


  30. A couple with two homes , hoping to sell one , could get a divorce so that each apartment belongs to an individual , treating both as first homes . The sale of one of the homes will then be tax exempt .
